This is, evidently, a good thing. Facebook friends, including my own daughter, have 'hidden' me from their news feeds. Evidently, I am omnipresent, therefore, a nuisance. Granted, I certainly have time on my hands & my IPhone ever ready, so yes, I would say I update my status frequently, but so do others. I have regulars who, when they're offline, are missed. At least by me.
Perhaps I would be better on Twitter, or at least more welcome. Twitter, in my opinion, is vapid and banal. Updates there are so trivial that people are posting the color of their socks. Facebook, on the other hand, with it's capacity for photos,links to interesting articles, music and games is much more resourseful. I'm an addict, I admit it.
Especially since retired, it makes me feel less out of the loop, so to speak. When you're out there in the working world, you're inundated with stimulae. While I hardly feel isolated, it's nice to have my finger on the pulse and Facebook does that for me.
I was given the gift of gab, but absolutely no sense of direction. I'm so chatty that my brother has a letter our mother sent him while he was in Viet Nam. I swear he keeps it to hold over my head. Mom's letters to him were always newsy, with a paragraph or two about each of us still at home. The one he loves to taunt me with says this : "Molly remains ebbuliant,to the point of nausea, and tedium." (Thanks, Mom) Doesn't matter, I know she loved me (most of all, haha)
At any rate, as mentioned in a previous post, I'm running out of things to blog about. When I started this, almost a year ago, I vowed not to become like Andy Rooney (RIP) who made a great career out of kvetching. So far, I've written about things that matter to me, important things, trivial things and a modicum of complaints. My columns are getting more and more infrequent. Even I am getting bored with me.
So, until the next chapter of my life, the next great adventure, I'll be posting even less. Right now, the next big goal is to move overseas with my daughter and her family. I have been invited, they have goals for themselves and plans for me. BIG plans. I hope this comes to pass.
I'm grateful for the people who've followed this, and a little surprised. I've learned a lot about blogging, more than I ever thought was out there, in the blogosphere. I've loved it, I will continue to read my favorite bloggers and hope I get inspired.
For now, though, I'm at a loss for words.