...and damned if you don't.
I'll never learn.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I always believed that with age comes wisdom.
Not so much.
With age comes lots of surprises, most of them good. Mentally you're more relaxed, less self concious, less inhibited. You worry less.You have more time to do for others and you have the inclination.Sometimes,if you're like me, you rush right in to help, but harm instead.
I'm a great listener. A fixer, not so much.
Most of the drama is gone from my life. So why do I invite it back? Is it something I can't live without? Am I so complacent in my life I get mired in the excitement and stress of others?
Ok, enough mystery. I screwed up. In trying to help someone, I've enraged someone else. I made a judgement call using poor judgement.
I feel horrible ! After much deliberation, I betrayed a confidence. I had knowledge I thought would aid someone else and I spilled the beans. I have since apologized but have yet to be forgiven. There's nothing I can do about it, my transgression actually helped the person who needed it, as I knew it would, but ended up hurting me.
It's hard for me to stand idly by if I think I can do something. It's hard for me to remember that the best way to help is simply to listen. That's something I'm going to have to work on. I'm going to carry on, concentrate on myself and my family and try to stay out of trouble. Less drama, more comedy.
Life is funny. Not funny haha, funny strange. Not drama, not comedy, more like dramedy.
I'll carry on, try to remember my lines and forget everyone else's. There's one I can't forget though, and it doesn't belong to me. It belongs to Rodney King.
" Why can't we all just get along? "
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