Monday, June 6, 2011

The Trickle UP Effect

Remember nickel candy bars? They had a nice heft to them. What a lot of chocolate for a nickel.

Remember when a quarter seemed like a big deal? I used to get thirty-five cents an hour to babysit...and I used it to buy my own Coke which I hid from my brothers under my bed. I sometimes, after a really good gig, would splurge and spend a whole dollar on bubble gum, giving me a hundred pieces. This, I was happy to share. Amazingly, I never had dental problems. But, as usual, I digress.

On the way home today I noticed that gas was down to three ninety-nine a gallon, if you use cash. Now, there's a sentence I never thought I'd use. Down to $3.99 ?

Since gas is so high lately, everything's going up, since everything has to be shipped everywhere else. I'm trying to count my blessings since I'm fortunate enough to keep up (so far)

What gets me is this: I was talking to a close friend earlier today and we were discussing an appropriate amount to send to a recent graduate. We tossed about a number that used to be a significant amount. It still is, but doesn't seem quite as generous as it once did. When did fifties turn into twenties and twenties into tens and, well, you get the picture. A dollar now is chump change!  My 'loose change' is mostly quarters, and I have no idea what to do with all these pennies. Are they going to keep making them? What happened to that half-baked plan?

I was talking to another friend of mine later today, who-knows-somebody-who-knows-somebody-who-still-smokes.. She was telling me a pack of cigarettes is now eight dollars! So, (we deduced) a carton is now eighty dollars!

They might as well just ignite one of those twenties. They'll still be out the money, but their health will benefit. So will everyone else's.

I'd pay to see that ~

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