Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dream a Little Dream.....


God only knows. I just awakened from another of my epic extravaganzas. No wonder I'm always exhausted.

I wish we could hit rewind when we are awake and cognizant. My dreams are so bizarre, so nonsensical, so full of light, color, sound and emotion. Sometimes I wake up with my heart slamming against my chest wall. Thirty seconds later, I have no idea why.

Often, I dream about work, Sometimes I'm a hero, sometimes, a real loser. I guess after years of working full time, it's not going to be easy to forget about it. I'm glad we don't remember our dreams for long, I would hate to put so much feeling into something without getting paid for it.

Often, I dream about my kids when they were little..since they're quickly approaching forty, that's really about the past, the far past. It was the time of my life, so that must be why I harken back to those (idyllic?) days.  I bet their dreams are a lot different.

I dream about deceased loved ones. That's heavy. Must mean unfinished business, I know there are schools of thought about dream interpretation, but I just can't go there - look what happened to the Virgin Mary, not too mention her betrothed ! YIKES !

Usually I can at least connect the dots. I was just thinking about so-and-so, no wonder I dreamt of her.  I can dream about poker hands, backgammon boards, scrabble. I dream about game shows and animals. These are all things I love.

When my curiosity gets the best of me, I'll cave and look up some of my dreams on the internet or in books, but I ain't buyin' it. They say your dreams are of wishes unfullfilled, or unfinished business or unresolved anger.  I'm pretty sure all my anger is resolved, most of my business is finished and I hate to think I'm so shallow that my biggest wish is for a good poker hand.

All in all, it's at the very least, mildly the very most, exhausting.

Erma Bombeck said : "It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else."

They don't call me chicken for nuthin'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

testing testing one two