Sunday, August 28, 2011

Old Habits Die Hard

I've been told, and have come to believe, that I have an addictive personality. I wish that meant what it sounds like, that people are drawn to me, but I know better and admit that I'm the one who's drawn to certain behaviors, not all good for me.

Everything I do, I do with a vengence. I cannot get enough of certain things.I behave as though each time I indulge might be my last chance.

When I picked up my new puppy (whose name has been changed, but that's another column) I wanted to bring her sibling with her. When I do anything, I do it BIG. Why not double the fun and keep the newbie from being lonely? Thankfully, I came to my senses. I am impulsive, but not crazy.

I cannot keep chocolate in my house anymore. If I had my way, I'd have the pantry I always wanted when I was six. Candy, ice cream, chips, pop & pizza. I swear I could live on a diet of pure junk and I'm in enough trouble already.

Reading. Nothing wrong with that. Something wrong with joining two bookclubs, however, and I turned down a third! What am I thinking? I do not ever want reading to become a chore, it's my only escape. It's my drug of choice. No sense in putting deadlines on it, creating pressure.

Appointment tv, another guilty pleasure. I am not a tv snob, I readily admit it - I can watch all kinds of tripe and be highly entertained. I can watch reruns of MASH and still be on the floor. I've only recently kept the tv off until my scheduled programs, as opposed to leaving it on all day for 'company.' Albeit, for the dog, but now that she's gone I see that it really is just noise if you're not paying attention. I'm not doing that for my new pup, (she gets NPR.)

But the biggest, the most vacuous, banal , shallow waste of my time is Facebook. And I love it. I call it Facecrack, it's that addicting.  I finally got it off my phone, because it was rude and dangerous. I have a home office, which my daughter has officially dubbed my "Facebook Office." I can and do check it often when I'm home and once signed in, can spend an hour or more online. They've got me with the games app and I LOVE playing Backgammon at all hours of the day and night in several different countries all at once. Scrabble has me hooked too, I have played fifteen games simultaneously (although, not well.) London, England, London, Ontario, India and Japan. How can I resist? They advise you of birthdays you would never have given a thought to, they link you with people you might know, with a privacy option.

I can 'hide' from people (and do,believe me) and they have no idea. What fun !

Things could be worse. There, but for the grace of God,go alcoholic, smoker, junkie on the street. For that reason, I want to say thank you to the internet gods, and I want to say, in closing,


wherever you are ~

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