Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Clothes Encounters"

I'm new at blogging, & I've made a promise to myself that I would never wind up sounding like Andy Rooney, always, I'm just sayin' that I know I've come full circle when I admit I don't get the way kids are dressing now...big kids, teenagers, not little kids who are adorable, (despite some of their mothers living vicariously through them, ala beauty pagents..., but that's a whole 'nutha subject)

I remember wearing elaphant bell jeans & smock tops, I remember my mom harrassing me about putting so much effort into embroidering the above mentioned elephant bells and so little time into finals.

So you'd think I would get today's trends. I don't. In fact, I'm afraid I'll end up in the throes of advanced age,dressing just like these kids are now. I really don't understand their version of "layering."  We layered too, in the 70's, I see the ads, I see the TV shows, but it made sense, y'know...not like now,with goofy prints, crazy textures, varying lengths. I see the ads, I see the tv shows & all I can say is that I'm baffled. Just like my parents were.

So, with that in mind, I'll try to remember that the kid I see with his jeans halfway down his ass, stylin' plaid boxers, is just doing what we did. Expressing ourselves..or should I say, expressing the need to be just like everyone else.

Rock on.

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