Monday, May 30, 2011

The State of Confusion

I have just spent two hours in New Jersey. It felt like a week.
I'm speaking, of course, of the unspeakable, reality tv.

It was too hot today, so my plans got cancelled and I was left with time on my hands, a book I'm too far into not to finish and cable.

The mind reels !

Who are these people? Why do they have so much money and such little lives? My God, the women dress like drag queens and the men look like steroid infused testosterone torsos, with muscles between their ears.

The children are overindulged beyond belief and if any of us had dared to express ourselves in such a way, would be dead, or want to be.

When I see God, one of my first questions is going to be "Why??"  Why  do so many people live such opulent lifestyles, to the point of the ridiculous, and so many others suffer and are hungry. But, I digress. Anyway, I'm sure God's probably sick of answering that one, because so many people are stymied.

In this,state, this New Jersey, "The Stupidity uh, Garden State" you see bad boob jobs - they look like they've had tennis balls implanted like pacemakers ! Their hair is volumized with extensions that are so poorly done you can see the stitches and they have talons for nails. The faces are filthy with make up. I spend so much money trying to look natural and evidently, at least in New Jersey, that's not the way to go. I'll stick with clear nail polish and lip gloss, thankewverymuch.

But the most pathetic, the most painful to watch, is a cast who's grammar is unforgivable, who's crisis' consist of imagined transgressions and who, with all of that wealth, actually spend it on themselves.

Then, because of people like me, they parade it on tv and get paid even more money.

Tonight's episode involved an extravagent christening during which, punches were thrown. Shades of Michael Corleone. The women were fighting among themselves and invited their children to the dinner that was scheduled to "resolve everything." Tables were overturned.

I pride myself on being at least a bit of an intellectual, at least I keep trying to improve. These people are so ignorant and have it so easy I cannot believe this is deemed reality tv.

Waitaminnit. Now, who's stupid?

Back to that book.....

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